Wednesday, October 18, 2006

I was told we'd cruise the seas for American gold!!

Now here I lay in my 24th year, in Halifax (alas, not on a pier). Regardless, I have arrived and am now on Canada's east coast! I arrived at 5pm last night and Richard and I went shopping, I got an air mattress, some sheets, a pillow, some pins (for affixing decorations to the walls). We also hit the Atlantic Super Store for some groceries and then grabbed a 2-4 of Kieth's from the NSLC.

Today, I got my room set up, made some lunch, looked online for some jobs and cool hangouts. It was really boring. Tonight Richard, some of this friends and I are going to go to 'Jungle Jim's' for dinner. Tomorrow he jumps on a plane and comes back to Ontario 'till the weekend, leaving me alone and in a strange town.

I'm sure I'll be fine. There is a zine fair (I already told you about the one in Toronto) on Saturday, and then there's a concert by KOS. I don't know if I'll make KOS, but the fair is, at least for me, a must see.

I have yet to break out my camera in Nova Scotia, but I have lots of pictures from Ottawa just waiting to find a home online. Once I find my camera's cord, I'll post them all!


Glow Worm said...

Tell the ocean that I miss her, and have a Keiths for me at the Lower Deck pub on the waterfront. You *have* to take in a live local band there during your stay! Glad you arrived safe. Becareful on Gottigen (spelling??) Street, it's Halifax's ghetto.

Hermano Rojo said...

Yeah, I live on Brunswick right next to Gottigen and Uniack. And I've been warned. Luckily I can hop out the back door and go down Barrington into the downtown without ever getting near the place. Thanks for the warning though!

Glow Worm said...

Ah, I know the area. I lived on Connaught but it's way out near the Halifax Shopping Centre......Barrington is a good street. If you like sushi, I can give you some good restaurants. And if you find you'll need a doctor, I know a couple as well who helped me and we still stay in contact. Oh and I phoned my parents so they know you're in the area as well.

Have fun! It's a great city! (...but I prefer St. John's) :o)

Anonymous said...

I wrote you back todaaaaaaaaaay :)