Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Foxtrot Holmes

The fellow pictured to the left of this text goes by the moniker Foxtrot Holmes. I don't know much about him other than I like the way he mixes music.

He reminds me of Dutty Moonshine who I first encountered while living in Reading. I get the distinct impression that this side of the pond is catching up with the Electro Swing thing.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Myself circa 2003

Back around 2003 one of my good friends from University (I'm sure I've written about Flash before. Perhaps I refered to him as Sebastian Fish, either way, it's the same guy) drew a picture of me as a superhero. At the time I was going through a top hat, curly moustache, lumberjack underwear (with the bum flap!) phase. Nothing too unusual. The other day I was thinking of it and figured I'd have a stab at doing a version myself. This is what I came up with.