Thursday, May 31, 2007

Kilrush Library

I'm supposed to be helping out at the market, but I've buggered off to the library to take advantage of the highspeed internet. Unfortunately they won't let me upload any pictures I've taken so it's another flippin' text post I'm afraid.

I've recently changed my itinerary a bit. I had been plannin on going to Kilarney next, but will now be going up to Galway first. Everyone I meet says it's the best place in Ireland for young people. I heard a story about an Aussie who had the same plans as I do, to backpack accross Europe. Like me he started in Ireland, but he never made it past Galway. Apparently that happens a lot around here. Everyone seems to have a story of someone who came to visit and who's still here 10 years later. I don't see that happening to me, but who knows?!?!

The family I'm staying with at the moment have two children. The eldest, Tom, told me a poem the other day which made me laugh. He must have written it on the spot but there were a couple of lines that cracked me up . . .

'I had a little pig, and he wanted to tell me something,
but I couldn't chance it,
so I put him outside.'

Tell me that's not genius!

The other day Colm picked me up (he was my first host) and took myself, a Frenchman, an Italian and an American up to see the Burren. (this is not the setup for some wacky joke, I swear!) It was awsome! I saw some monoliths, the cliffs of Moher, and I even got a picture taken in front of the house where Father Ted was filmed. Talk about an eventfull day!

Anyway, I better get back to the market. I've been gone for the better part of a couple hours now!!


Sazzmo said...

That poem is on your level of brilliance/insanity my friend...

Now draw some crazy irish folk...

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