I've recently changed my itinerary a bit. I had been plannin on going to Kilarney next, but will now be going up to Galway first. Everyone I meet says it's the best place in Ireland for young people. I heard a story about an Aussie who had the same plans as I do, to backpack accross Europe. Like me he started in Ireland, but he never made it past Galway. Apparently that happens a lot around here. Everyone seems to have a story of someone who came to visit and who's still here 10 years later. I don't see that happening to me, but who knows?!?!
The family I'm staying with at the moment have two children. The eldest, Tom, told me a poem the other day which made me laugh. He must have written it on the spot but there were a couple of lines that cracked me up . . .
'I had a little pig, and he wanted to tell me something,
but I couldn't chance it,
so I put him outside.'
Tell me that's not genius!
The other day Colm picked me up (he was my first host) and took myself, a Frenchman, an Italian and an American up to see the Burren. (this is not the setup for some wacky joke, I swear!) It was awsome! I saw some monoliths, the cliffs of Moher, and I even got a picture taken in front of the house where Father Ted was filmed. Talk about an eventfull day!
Anyway, I better get back to the market. I've been gone for the better part of a couple hours now!!