Saturday, December 02, 2006


"I hope that one day you will learn how to give all the extraordinary love you have to offer. Another one of my greatest desires for you is that you will cultivate, earn, and seize all the freedom you need in order to become yourself completely. To my great pleasure, you've recently begun to tune in to the possibility that these two goals might be extremely fun for you. During the coming weeks their hold on your imagination should heat up considerably. In 2007, I hope they'll become your modus operandi, your Weltanschauung, and your raison d'ĂȘtre. "

For your own, go here.


Anonymous said...

Wow. Those are my hopes for you too but I couldn't have worded them a better way...heh. Whoever writes these things is brillant. I really love that there is French thrown in, that is totally fitting. C'est manifique Chevre!

None said...

sorry...that was me :)

Anonymous said...

...really? I thought the French overdid it a bit, made it sound a bit too cliche.

(Though I guess I just did the exact same thing.) :P