Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Snail Mail

I don’t work ‘till around 2 o’clock today, so I slept in ‘till 10, had some bacon and eggs for breakfast, then sat down to update my blog. Unfortunately I couldn’t think of anything to write. I’ve been doing all sorts of great things the past few days. Shabu and I walked up to Jumbo and rented some pirate movies, I’ve been to a birthday and a buck and doe, I’ve made new and exciting hemp bracelets and necklaces for myself, but nothing that I felt compelled to blog about.

That was until I had a stranger message me from Nigeria. We chatted for a bit, and I started thinking about the people I know overseas, with whom I’ve fallen completely out of touch. I’ve got friends all over the place, but concentrations in England and Italy. I lost all the addresses from England, and I’ve written a grand total of two letters to my Italian friends in the last several years. However, today that all changed. Today I resolved to write letters to my friends in Italy, and place a call to my old highschool to see if they kept my British friends addresses on file. If they did, I’m going to spend a good chunk of my next day off writing letters and shipping them across the world. I might also send a letter to a friends tree planting in B.C. Apparently, it’s the only contact she’ll have with the outside world for a couple of months.


Perhaps I was supposed to start work at 10:15am and messed up again.


Sazzmo said...

And yet nothing about me being in Central America...

How do you still have a job?

None said...

oh no! from one scatterbrained to another: que pasa me casa

Anonymous said...

glum chum is in CA? since when?

Sazzmo said...

I'm back... now...

Anonymous said...

oh... welcome back.

Anonymous said...

mano... what's you're email address? i was thinking, well sj and i were thinking, that something should be done about this weekend being a holiday. i would like to email you about it.. however i don't, for whatever reason, know what your email address is. i have somehow lost it in the shuffle of email addresses.

it was suggested that a picnic in a north end park followed by a game of scrabble, or perhaps some couples badminton could be enjoyable by all.


Hermano Rojo said...

Sounds good. Tomorrow I am done by 6 and will be in the north end, so that seems like the best day for it (if your shedules agree). I'll clear it with Shabudabu and see what's shakin'.

Hermano Rojo said...

A cripes. Shabu's in class. Deal's off!

None said...

no she isn't...fridays are her day off. next time mano should call her and ask or write down her schedule, which is:

mon-thurs 630-950pm and tutoring sunday and whichever other day in the week is good between driving lessons and boring group meetings.

i am studyng for two midterms this weekend but a picnic would be grand :)

None said...

sorry classes are till 920 not 950

Hermano Rojo said...

Oops, my bad. Looks like I've got some posts to correct.
