Friday, October 21, 2005

3 'o clock in the mornings

It’s 3:00am.

I wanted to be asleep a couple hours ago.

When I got off the phone with a good friend I had every intention of going right to bed.

I didn’t.

Instead I stayed up and watched a T.V. show on DVD, stood on my head and am now updating my blog.

You ever have a night like that?


None said...

you are bum...for more reasons than one.

None said...

oh wait, lookee here...who would have thought????

Hermano Rojo said...

Wow, I’m not sure which is stranger, the fact that your toe wiggling has been validated or the fact that you were up at 7:51 am!

Have a good weekend in the big city.

None said...

i think the times are off on this comment thing because neither of us were up that early...:P

alright, im off

Sazzmo said...

When will you learn...?

You were hopped up on hoolies weren't you?

Glow Worm said...

You're a poet. Did you know-it?!

Miss you!
I have updated blog too!

Anonymous said...

wow! nice ring, nice bracelet! whoever gave you those has grrrreat taste.

gee golly...holy christmas!