Thursday, August 16, 2007

You mean it rains here too?

I did it! I managed to escape the grips of Ireland and have made my way over to Wales! I found a way to make the crossing quite cheaply, but didn't find it until I didn't have enough time to qualify for the savings, so I just bought a ticket on the ferry and Rory (the guy who's couch I was surfing on) drove me to the dock so I could catch it.

Once in Wales I started talking to an Irishman who's been living in England for a while, and he bought my train ticket for me, and a cup of tea. Obviously I declined the offer at first, but he was persistent, and really, I wanted to accept. So, after the required 'Oh no's and 'I can't accept's I did just that.

I'm in Bangor now, and have been here a couple of days. My first full day was spent lost in the fields and forests of Wales trying to find a campsite which doesn't exist. I followed the directions of the folks at the Hostel and ended up in the arse end of nowhere. While there I took in some fantastic scenery, walked through some beautiful countryside, and got thoroughly lost. After a while the trail I was following seemed to stop, and I found myself walking through fields of sheep, cow shit, and mucky water. At one point I had to climb through about 20 meters of forest, during which time I managed to find no less than 5 sheep's skulls and find myself at one point standing on the spinal cord of a sheep, with my feet both between it's ribcage. I think once a sheep goes missing here, they just forget about it.

Anyway, after about 5 hours of random walking, Gruffudd (Can't pronounce it so I call him Griff, he's my Welsh contact) picked me up and took me into Snowdonia national park where I stayed at a hostel and enjoyed an included buffet breakfast which allowed me to pack an inexpensive lunch.

Since then I've attended a lunch with a group of Welsh speakers at the University of Bangor, and been given the run around while trying to convert some traveller's checks into cash.
Despite the rain, I'm going to camp tonight, and at some point I think I'll actually tell the campsite about my plans. No rush though, I've still got 48 minutes left on the Internet at the library!

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