Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Mes colloques et mes amis!

I just got a couple of e-mails from my roommates from my Quebec experience. Lloyd (on the left) is in BC and he says he bogged down in school work, so much so that he can neither party nor take the time to wash his rump. Ryan (on the right) if from Alberta and didn't say much because he wasn't sure if he had the right e-mail! Needless to say they both did and I was elated to hear from them both. Eugene (to my left and Lloyd's right) hasn't e-mailed me yet, and because of this I have decided to exclude him from my inheritance, but might drop him a line to see how life in Toronto has been treating him. It really makes me feel good to hear from friends like these with whom I’ve fallen completely out of contact.


Sazzmo said...

Is that man eating a glass plate?
Doesn't he know that would take 7 years to digest, oh wait thats gum...

How freaky...

Glow Worm said...

My biggest fear is faling out of contact with all my good friends in Ontario. Including you and Sazzmo! I'm glad you're keeping in some contact with a few of your Quebec pals.

None said...

Tee hee...those were definately some nice guys. Loyd was always optimistic and cheery in greeting everyone, Eugene was very driven and hilarious to watch with my roomie...and Ryan was a little out of it but has a good heart.

p.s: its mes amiS ;)