I took a little while to decide to post this after writing the last entry. I don't know why, but I am terribly sorry. I realize how, for many of you, without a constant record of the daily goings on in my life, your own lives seem to start to lack meaning. I know this, and yet I persist in my irregular posting patterns.
And back to the point...
I start tomorrow. I got hired at The Second Cup as a barista, but in the end turned it down for another job as a barista/shift manager at Starbucks. I have purchased my new black trousers, 2 new black shirts, and a lovely pair of leather dress shoes (I had to search long and hard for these, because I was committed to wingtips and brogueing and leather uppers. The result was more expensive, but completely awesome in all ways.) all washed (okay, not the shoes, but they were treated!) and dried, and ready to go in the morning.
I don't know how long my shift will be, nor where the remainder of my training is going to be, but I know where and when my first shift starts, and that's enough for me!
I can't wait for the money to start rolling in! Legal employment! Oh man, it's been a while!